Welcome to the Catholic Parish of Applecross, we are a vibrant faithful and welcoming community. Visitors and new parishioners are always welcome to join us in celebrating the Eucharist. Our hope is that together we can continue to build the Kingdom of God, not only within our Parish community but within our society. We also hope that you will find information and resources that will help you personally and enable you to play a part in making Jesus real, loved and followed in whatever corner of the world you happen to be.
Hopefully together we will be able to walk the path that Christ calls us to and so fulfill the essence of the Rule of St Benedict, “The Love of Christ must come before all else”.
We hope you find our website helpful. We are open to any comments you would like to offer, that will help us more fully live out the mission of Christ in this part of the world.
'Rule of St Benedict - The Love of Christ, must come before all else'
Parish Priest: Father Nelson Po
Admin Officer: Stefani Chen
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 10am - 4pm
Address: 115 Ardross St, ARDROSS WA 6153
Postal Address: PO Box 1831, APPLECROSS, WA 6953
Telephone: 9364 1120
Email: applecross@perthcatholic.org.au
Parish Safeguarding Officers:
Phil Trueman, Marina Ciccarelli, Frances Meyerkort
Email contact: applecross.safeguarding@gmail.com
Latest Rosters
Updated rosters for altar servers, commentators, readers & EMOHC are available here
Latest Newsletter
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Yr C (19th January, 2025))
Reflection by Nick Brodie
Discretion, Pope Francis says, is a theme which runs through this Sunday’s Gospel. It is a recurring motif in the story of the wedding at Cana.
Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of the Eucharist begins with the preparation of the gifts and the altar.
Learn more...
Parish Religious Education Programme (PREP)
Our parish runs an intensive after school Religious Education programme for children in Years 2 to 6 who are not attending Catholic schools. The programme also prepares children for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation (Year 3), First Communion (Year 4) and Confirmation (Year 6).
Learn more...
Public Holidays: Mon/Wed/Fri, will be celebrated at 7.30am
Reconciliation: Sat: 4.30PM-5.30PM
Rosary: Tue: 9.30am, Wed/Fri: 7.30am
Cenacle: Thurs: 9.30am
Adoration Chapel Changes
The Regina Coeli Chapel Adoration times are now reduced to the following days:
We need at least one or more volunteer Adorers to commit to an hour of Adoration in the chapel for the designated times above. If you are able to commit, please register your name and contact details in the sign-up sheets at the entrance of the church.
Prayer Group:
Mary Mother of Sorrows: Meetings on Thursdays @ 1.00pm
Baptisms: Sundays @ 11.30am by appointment.
Weddings: By appointment.